Roz Naama..Daily News

This blog is dedicated to general news in all areas of personal interest to myself including, but not limited to politics, science, Islam, justice, community, and humanity at large.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Being a Muslim for a month

Being a Muslim for a month
by Kris Evans in the United States
Thursday 07 July 2005

From eating McDonald's to being a Muslim for 30 days, a new documentary series by Morgan Spurlock of Super Size Me fame delves into the lives of Muslims in America.

For 30 Days, a Christian from the Bible Belt lived with a Muslim family in Michigan. The result? Heated arguments, religious confusion, and the start of a beautiful friendship...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

"Tawheed" in the eyes of Dr. Ali Shariati

I saw this quote in someone's profile and thought it was interesting!

"But what I have in mind (when I use this term) is a world-view. So what I intend by the world view of Tawheed is perceiving the entire universe as a unity, instead of dividing it into this world and the thereafter, the physical and the metaphysical, substance and meaning, matter and spirit. It means percieving the whole of existence as a single form, a single, living and concious organism, possessing one will, intelligence, feeling and aim.... There are many people who believe in Tawheed, but only as a "religious-philosophical" theory: God is one, not more than one - that is all!! But I understand Tawheed as a world-view, just as I see shirk (polytheism) also from the same standpoint, that is, a world-view that regards the universe as an incoherent combination, full of division, contradiction and incongruity, possessing conflicting and independent poles, diverging movements, and disparate and disconnected essences, desires, caluculations, criteria, aims and wills. Tawheed sees the world as an empire; shirk as a feudal system."
Dr. Ali Shariati

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Muslim Youth and Drugs

This is just further proof of why we are in need of organizations and projects like the MYH here in the US.

Muslim Youth and Drugs: The Reality

Lobna Mulla

Drug use. “It only happens to those ‘Americans.’ My son or daughter would never do such a thing — they are good kids. They stay out of trouble and they go with me to the masjid.”

Are you really convinced this is true? Unfortunately, these statements are all too common and are a reflection of the state of denial and/or naiveté in which we live. The sad reality is that there are more Muslim youth involved in drugs than we wish to know about. Drug use among Muslims is a creeping enemy that involves the abuse of substances ranging from the inhaling of household products (paint, sprays, etc.) to shooting heroin...

Vounteers needed at the MYH in Britain

"The Muslim Youth Helpline (MYH) is a free and confidential telephone counselling and e-mail service for young people in need. We are currently recruiting volunteers to work as peer-counsellors and befrienders.

Helpline Workers volunteer for a 3-hour shift on a weekly basis, responding to telephone and e-mail enquiries, providing face to face counselling sessions and meeting clients in the community. Every week, the helpline handles a number of enquires on issues such as depression, drugs, abuse and cultural conflicts."

My Journey from Marital Abuse

"Haya Al-Hashimi, aged 23, gives her account of how she went through a marriage of disaster and ponders over why such a problem still exists in today's Ummah."

Why does our society look upon divorced women with such contempt?

Monday, July 18, 2005

Child marriages still widespread in Afghanistan

AFGHANISTAN: Child marriage still widespread

KABUL, 13 July (IRIN) - The United Nations, government officials and rights bodies in the Afghan capital, Kabul, have expressed grave concern about the widespread practice of girls marrying early, as the country marked World Population Day on Tuesday.

Nearly 60 percent of marriages in Afghanistan involve girls below the legal age of 16, according to reports from the Ministry of Women's Affairs and NGOs. Some girls are married as young as nine.

Rights and health activists say that such marriages increase the maternal mortality rate and deny young women an education or any kind of independent life. Often, after a child marriage, husbands and/or parents-in-law refuse to allow the child-wife to go to school under threat of violence...

Congressman: Mecca a possible retaliation target

I'm tryin to decide whether he's just naive or stupid!

Congressman: Mecca a possible retaliation target

Monday, July 18, 2005

DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- A Colorado congressman told a radio show host that the U.S. could "take out" Islamic holy sites if Muslim fundamentalist terrorists attacked the country with nuclear weapons.

Rep. Tom Tancredo made his remarks Friday on WFLA-AM in Orlando, Florida. His spokesman stressed he was only speaking hypothetically...

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Muslim Group Speaks Out Against Terror

Let's hope they do decide to air the PSA here in Tampa. I wonder how many cities will actually be airing it though. I'm sure it's not many.

The idea that Muslims are not doing enough is absolutely ludicrous. When Miss Walters decides to get up and protest against the terrorism being carried out everyday in other nations, then I may just decide to follow her lead. Until then, it's rather pointless to be making such ignorant comments.

Muslim Group Speaks Out Against Terror
Published: Jul 16, 2005

TAMPA - A national Muslim organization is offering a 30- second public service announcement to TV stations, an effort to denounce terrorism after the July 7 attacks in London.
With local network affiliates hedging on whether they will air the spot, Bay area viewers may not see it.

Ahmed Bedier, spokesman for Central Florida's Council on American-Islamic Relations, distributed the video to local stations Friday at the Islamic Society of Tampa Bay Area's mosque.
In the video, American Muslims - a man and two women - talk about terrorists, each speaking a few words:
``We reject anyone - of any faith - who commits such brutal acts and will not allow our faith to be hijacked by criminals. Islam is not about hatred and violence. It's about peace and justice.''
Bedier said the message would go a long way toward helping people understand the Bay area's Muslim community, estimated at 30,000.

The spot's release quickly became a topic on MSNBC and other network news reports, but national network representatives have not committed to airing it free as a PSA, said Ibrahim Hooper, a CAIR spokesman in Washington.

In Tampa, Bob Linger, vice president and general manager of FOX affiliate WTVT, Channel 13, said his station is reviewing the tape and deciding whether to run it.
Brad Moses, News Channel 8's director of marketing, said he looks at community interest and benefits before running a public service announcement on the NBC affiliate. He had not made a decision.

``In Chicago and in Michigan where there's a large Muslim community, the PSA would be aired,'' he said.

News Channel 8 and The Tampa Tribune both are owned by Media General Inc.
Shortly after the July 8 London subway and bus suicide bombings, which killed 54 people and injured hundreds more, CAIR's national office decided to produce the public service announcement.

Representatives said they wanted the nation to know where they stand. American Muslims say their religion has been hijacked and distorted by extremists, and they are aware of the widespread criticism of Muslims for their inaction after attacks.

``This is one way, a concrete way, to demonstrate our rejection of terrorism,'' Hooper said. ``The decision was made immediately after the attacks. We were casting about to answer this question: whether we have done enough to condemn terrorism.''

There is some sentiment that an ad is not enough.

Lola Walter, of Brandon, wrote a letter to the Tribune after the London attacks, questioning the lack of Muslims' outrage. She said Friday that swift grass-roots action from the international Muslim community would resonate more than a TV spot.

``Arabs, Muslims worldwide should take to the streets and condemn the jihadists, the extremists,'' Walter said. ``We have a right to see that. I don't think a simple declaration of disapproval is a strong enough position.''

Reporter Chris Echegaray can be reached at (813) 259-7920.

Friday, July 15, 2005

'Pakistan's girl wonder' is likely the youngest certified Microsoft expert

This is one amazing girl! I wonder what I was doing when I was 10...

In smarts, she's a perfect 10
'Pakistan's girl wonder' is likely the youngest certified Microsoft expert


Sitting down for a personal meeting with Bill Gates this week, 10-year-old Arfa Karim Randhawa asked the Microsoft founder why the company doesn't hire people her age.

Under the circumstances, the question wasn't so unreasonable.

Arfa, a promising software programmer from Faisalabad, Pakistan, is believed to be the youngest Microsoft Certified Professional in the world...


We Are All Collateral Damage

We Are All Collateral Damage
By Zaid Shakir

The Roads to Peace
The roads to peace are paths of war,
The gentle dove will leave her scar.
The moral men to say the least,
Will kill us all to get their peace.
The roads that lead to victories gained,
Are filled with people full of pain.
Only our Creator knew,
We’d kill so many to save so few.

Jawad jans lame attempt at becoming famous

Asalamu Alaikum!!

I hope to use this blogspot as a diary collection of things I consider to be most important and/or particularly interesting, keeping people informed about various news, including local events, general community news, national headlines and maybe an update now and then about the happenings of my own o-so-exciting life as well..etc. Whether you're here to discuss or be inspired, prepare to see the world through a different set of eyes. Welcome!