Roz Naama..Daily News

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Victory for Muslim Activists in UK

Victory for Muslim Activists in UK

May 6th, 2006

Salma Yaqoob - victory in Birmingham Sparkbrook and Small Heath

A great deal of attention is being given to Blair and his Labor party losses in the recent local elections in England. But what is not highlighted is the remarkable victory for Muslim activists, and their allies in these elections. The Respect Party is a (sometime tenuous) coalition of Muslims and anti-war activists who have come together to create a social justice alternative to Tony Blair’s Labor that has, for all practical purposes, been a sometime poodle, and sometime attack dog for the George Bush regime in the United States.

The Respect Party has won a total of 16 local council seats, with 12 in the council of Tower Hamlet (an area with a high concentration of Bangladeshi and other Muslims). Three seats were won in the council of Newham, and possibly the most important victory was that of the prominent British Muslim activist Salma Yaqoob in Birmingham where she garnered 55% of the vote. As Yaqoob points out on her campaign page: “This constituency is one of the most deprived areas in the country … help improve the quality of life for all, and not just a few.”

It should also be noted that Yaqoob’’s candidacy was endorsed by a number of Islamic scholars and Imams (contrary to the usual stereotype). The endorsement letter stated in part that:

“She stood up and campaigned against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in a brave and consistent manner. Even when others were not prepared to speak out, she has been a voice of principle.

She is a voice of reason who is respected by all the different communities – Muslim and non-Muslim presenting a positive image, whilst remaining true to the values of Islam.

It is the duty of every Muslim to support those people who stand for truth and justice – whoever they are. We urge the community to break away from the tradition or simply supporting those they have personal links with – representation and competency are the real issues. Allah says in the Qur’an:

“O you who believe! Stand up for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even if it goes against yourselves or your parents and relatives. Whether they are rich or poor, Allah is nearer to both (than you are). Do not follow your own desires and deviate from the truth. If you twist or turn away, Allah is aware of what you do.” (4:134)”


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