Roz Naama..Daily News

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Saturday, June 10, 2006

Patrick J. Buchanan : Cultural Warmongers -- Picking a fight with a faith 1.3 billion strong

A really good article by Pat Buchanan that I just got around to reading!

If you wish to get along with a man, you do not insult his faith. And
if you seek to persuade devout Muslims that al-Qaeda is our enemy, not Islam,
you do not condone with silence insults to the faith of a billion

Understanding this, President Bush ceased to call the war on terror a
“crusade.” Visiting a mosque, he removed his shoes. He has hosted White House
gatherings for the breaking of the fast at the end of Ramadan. He sent Karen
Hughes to the State Department to improve our dismal image in the Islamic world.
He has declared more times than many of us care to recall, “Islam is a religion
of peace.”

President Bush knows we are in a struggle for the hearts and minds of
Islamic peoples, and if we are to win this struggle we must separate the Muslim
monsters from the masses. For as that great American military mind Col. John
Boyd defined it, strategy is the appending to oneself of as many centers of
power as possible and isolating your enemy from as many centers of power as

This is what makes the Mohammed cartoons so stupid and
self-destructive. They have given Islamic extremists visible proof to show pious
Muslims that the West relishes mocking what they hold most sacred: the prophet.
They have united Muslim moderates with militants in common rage against us. They
have added to the hatred of the West in the Islamic world as friends like King
Abdullah of Jordan, Presidents Mubarak of Egypt and Karzai of Afghanistan, and
Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey warned us they would.

One wonders. Did the cynical Europeans learn nothing from the Salman
Rushdie episode? Did they learn nothing from the firestorm that erupted in the
Islamic world when Christian ministers in the United States, post-9/11, called
Mohammed a “terrorist”?

Why then did they do this? Why did the Danish paper Jyllands-Posten
publish cartoons it knew to be so blasphemous to Muslims? Why did Le Monde,
France Soir, Die Welt, El Pais, Il Stampa republish them—on their front pages?
If a European newsman was oblivious to the probable effect among Muslims of
plastering a cartoon of Mohammed with a bomb in his turban on page one, he is
too stupid to be an editor. But if he did know the near-certain effect of such
an in-your-face provocation, why would he do it? Is this the reflexive
secularist hostility of the Europress to all religious faiths on display here or
something else?

And so we come to the heart of the matter. Why? What was the motive
here? What is the game that is afoot? The rationale of the imams who ensured
that all Muslims knew of the cartoons and their contents and called for
demonstrations and assaults on Western consulates and embassies is evident. They
hate us, and they wish to drive us out of the Middle East. But what propelled
our own ideologues to prod U.S. editors to republish the cartoons in
“solidarity” with the Europeans? Who pushed George W. Bush and Condi Rice not to
condemn the cartoons but to “stand up” for the freedom to publish and defy any
“intimidation” by the Islamic world?

Answer: our cultural warmongers, who seek the same goal as their
cultural warmongers—to ignite a war of civilizations. Both want the “long war”
of which the Pentagon speaks, the “World War IV” against “Islamofascism” that is
the dream of neoconservatives and the nightmare of their countrymen.

As has been evident for some time, bin Laden and the neocons both seek
the same thing: a fight to the finish, no matter how long, no matter how many
invasions it takes, no matter how many lives are lost. For if peace were reached
between the Islamic world and the West, even a cold peace with Iran and Syria,
what would they do then?

As the provocations of Ahmadinejad are music to the ears of neocons,
for they rule out dialogue and diplomacy, the escalation of the cartoon wars
into an all-out culture war between Islam and the West has made their day. But
it has also wiped out much of the goodwill that George W. Bush has sought to
rebuild in the region.

As one explores the arguments of the provocateurs in the West for what
they are doing, on inspection all appear hollow. “We believe in the First
Amendment!” comes the blustery reply of journalists when asked why they
published the cartoons. The First Amendment protected the right of Trent Lott to
toast Strom Thurmond. But that did not save Lott from the savagery of the
neocons who demanded and got his ouster as Senate majority leader. Yet which is
the more egregious offense? To pay a birthday tribute to a century-old man who
was once a segregationist or to insult deliberately the most revered figure in
the faith of a billion people?

Daily, U.S. editors decline to publish ethnic slurs and obscene remarks
and cartoons that might offend a race or religion. This is not censorship. It is
editorial judgment. The motto of the New York Times, which declined to publish
the offending cartoons, is “All the News That’s Fit to Print.”

Conservatives contend that Islamic nations tolerate cartoons and TV
shows far more viciously anti-Semitic than these cartoons were anti-Islamic.
They are right. But Western newspapers never publish such cartoons, first,
because they are outrageous, second, because publication would cost them
advertisers, readers, and maybe their jobs. Insulting Muslims and Mohammed is a
less risky and less expensive hobby than insulting Judaism or Jews. Indeed, if
you insult Islam, you can make out credentials as a moral hero.

Though State initially condemned the cartoons—“Inciting religious or
ethnic hatreds in this manner is unacceptable”—the neocons rapidly re-seized
control of the message. In hours, State was in retreat: “While we share the
offense that Muslims have taken at these images, we at the same time vigorously
defend the right of individuals to express points of view.” Of course we do. But
do we believe freedom of the press was responsibly exercised when these idiot
editors used it to incite a religious war?

And when it comes to press freedom, Europeans are world-class
hypocrites. British historian David Irving has spent months in a prison in
Vienna awaiting trial for two speeches he made 15 years ago. In Europe, skeptics
and deniers of the Holocaust are fined and imprisoned with the enthusiastic
endorsement of the press.

Unfortunately, Bush let slip an opportunity to show respect for the
Islamic world and faith and, instead, let himself be intimidated into silently
condoning an insult to both. Standing beside the King of Jordan, Bush denounced
the violence the cartoons had ignited but declined to condemn the cartoons.
Condi Rice denounced Iran and Syria for exploiting the rage over the cartoons
but did not condemn the cause of that rage. If there is a double standard here,
Bush is the guilty party. He rightly denounced Iran’s president for mocking the
Holocaust but would not denounce the European press for mocking the

If Bush and Rice cannot muster the moral courage to condemn the
insulting content of the cartoons, as well as the violence being promoted by
anti-Western agitators and demagogues, our wars for democracy in the Middle East
are in vain. For we can never win the friendship of these people if they believe
our words of respect for their religion cover up a sneering contempt.

Copyright © 2006 The American Conservative


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